Can your professor tell if you use ChatGPT for The Wandering Albatros essay he asked you to submit? We understand if you are also not sure about whether ChatGPT be detected as plagiarism like your fellow mates. Don’t worry, we’ll tell you all about it. Although, it seems impossible for a human to differentiate between bot-written and human-written content. But you never know. Right? So, let’s be sure about it.
Whether you are a high school student or a research professional, using AI tools doesn’t sound ethical. But nobody gives a damn until universities detect ChatGPT. That is exactly why students are concerned can ChatGPT be detected as plagiarism, and for once, professors aren’t.
This goes without saying that be a smart worker rather than a hard worker! But that does not make it legal if you copy-paste the responses generated by ChatGPT into your work without proper citation and attribution.
Can ChatGPT Be Detected As Plagiarism?
Since the introduction of ChatGPT, people started experimenting and testing the AI limits, as ChatGPT replies back in a conversational manner, students as well as teachers starting using this AI for university assignments and research purposes. But, can ChatGPT be detected as plagiarism or not is the question that has put almost half the internet users in a dilemma.
So, while researching for this particular query, we thought of why not get an initial opinion by asking ChatGPT itself. Let’s see what ChatGPT had to say, when we asked “Hey ChatGPT! Please tell me Can ChatGPT be detected as plagiarism?”
“Yes, there is a chance that writing created by ChatGPT can be detected as plagiarism.

Although, ChatGPT is a highly advanced model, that produces the responses and text based on the answers that are preexisted. As a result, there is a chance that the text produced by ChatGPT and existing sources will be similar.
So, in order to avoid plagiarism, use proper attributions and citations, if you copy and paste responses generated by ChatGPT into your work ”.
Based on what, ChatGPT told us, we thought we’d run a quick test.
We asked ChatGPT, “Hey ChatGPT! Can you please tell me about sustainability and sustainable development?”

We ran it through one of the best plagiarism detectors, QueText, and it showed us that 26% of the output generated by ChatGPT matched other sources.

Hence this proves that yes! ChatGPT can be detected as plagiarism. So, does that mean ChatGPT plagiarises? Well, this is another story. Let’s know.
Does ChatGPT Plagiarise?
The above experiment showed us that ChatGPT can be detected as plagiarism. However, it gives rise to a new question Does ChatGPT plagiarise the content? No, despite not having original content, ChatGPT does not plagiarise.
Wondering how? Because according to OpenAI, Originality.AI is a copyright monitor and AI detector created for expert content producers that can verify the originality of any work by identifying even the smallest instances of AI usage and copying.
We thought of taking ChatGPT’s opinion as well on Does ChatGPT plagiarise.
This is what ChatGPT told us……

So, if ChatGPT doesnot plagiarise content, is that means is ChatGPT plagiarism free, and can universities detect ChatGPT?
We cannot say ChatGPT is completely plagiarism free. Because ChatGPT generates its output based on preexisting information, there are high chances that sometimes responses generated by ChatGPT overlap with the existing information that is available on the internet. Plus, ChatGPT itself claimed that it uses various algorithms to ensure that the output is as original as possible.
Can Universities Detect ChatGPT?
Yes! Universities can detect ChatGPT text.
Students and scholars rely heavily on ChatGPT more than anyone else. Since, ChatGPT as the tool is offering answers to science questions, solving problems, complex mathematics, and even writing essays just in minutes! Students are seeking help from AI tools more than they should be.
So, in order to solve this problem, Universities have their Plagiarism detecting tools like Turnitin that cover all of the internet resources, previously submitted papers, even journals, and now ChatGPT too. So, if you are worried about can ChatGPT be detected as plagiarism? Yes it can! And how is it traced? Let’s know.
Can ChatGPT Be Traced With New OpenAI ChatGPT Classifier?
Yes, ChatGPT can be traced with new OpenAI’s ChatGPT classifier, but it’s not reliable completely.
OpenAI has launched a ChatGPT plagiarism checker, ChatGPT classifier for the content written by various AI tools. But unfortunately, This new OpenAI ChatGPT classifier cannot recognize all AI that has been written. According to the OpenAI blog, the ChatGPT classifier has an almost 26% chance of identifying plagiarism. Additionally, they claimed that 9% of the content written by humans was mislabeled as AI text. Also, you can enter text of 1000 characters to detect ChatGPT text. Let’s have a look how to detect ChatGPT using OpenAI classifier.
How To Detect ChatGPT Text Using ChatGPT Classifier?
It’s always better to check your assignment before submitting it to your professor. So that you don’t lose your reputation and your career just by being so lazy! Let’s discuss the steps to check plagiarised text using ChatGPT classifier.
Step 1: Go to the official OpenAI blog on ChatGPT classifier.

Step 2: Now, scroll down and click on ‘Try the Classifier.’
Step 3: After that, tap on Log in to log in to your account. You can also log in using Gmail.

Step 4: Now, paste the text you want to check in the webpage.

Step 5: After pasting the text, tap on the submit button at the bottom of your screen.

Step 6: You will see the result produced by the ChatGPT classifier in the box just below the Submit button.
Best Plagiarism Checkers For ChatGPT
Being the talk of the town, ChatGPT has seeped into our lives so easily, that we are actually using it for almost everything, be it preparing a dinner recipe, sending an email to your colleague, or submitting a last-minute assignment. That is exactly teachers are worried that students are jeopardizing their careers by using ChatGPT more than they should be. So, when students have a cheat code ChatGPT to excel in their studies, teachers are having another, plagiarism checker tools!!! and trust us they have more than one.
So, here is a list of 7 ChatGPT plagiarism checker tools that will help you to detect ChatGPT text if you are in dilemma whether ChatGPT be detected as plagiarism or not.
1. Open AI’s Text Classifier
Our research team begin with a recent AI plagiarism checker from OpenAI, AI Text Classifier, that uses a precisely tailored GPT model. Based on the pairs of data on which this tool has been trained, it can easily detect if a text entry was made by a person or an AI. Because it is based on inputs from both humans and AI, it is easier for this AI tool to identify AI plagiarised text. However, you cannot consider it reliable, claimed by Open AI itself. , OpenAI has made it apparent that the tool isn’t yet completely trustworthy and shouldn’t be relied upon as the main method of detecting plagiarised writing. However, to be sure can ChatGPT be detected as plagiarism, when we ran a few quick tests using our own articles from TopHillSport, we found that OpenAI’s text cclassifier was able to detect human written content.

Here is the official link for OpenAI’s text classifier. You can try yourself and look for the results.
2. CopyLeaks AI Content Detector
With a 99.12% accuracy rate, next in line is Copyleak’s AI detection tool which claims a 99.12% accuracy rate. It proceeds with the strategy of “fight fire with fire” to distinguish between AI-written and human-written content. In addition to academic papers, you may use this AI plagiarism checker for a wide range of other purposes including reviewing blog posts, articles etc. as it supports many languages. However, we’d thought of running a quick test, so we used an old TopHillSport article on Celebrities on BeReal. We received the go-ahead(green light) meaning human written content after the AI text identification tool took less than 10 seconds to process over 600 words. It functions correctly, if you want to put a full stop on the dilemma you are having about can ChatGPT be detected as plagiarism.

Here is the official link for CopyLeaks AI Content Detector. You can try yourself and look for the results
3. Plagibot
Another plagiarism checker to detect ChatGPT text is Plagibot which finds plagiarism and generally recognizes content that has been plagiarised from its original source. The website did seem a little prone to mistakes, though while we were using it to be sure can ChatGPT be detected as plagiarism. There is a 2,000 word limit for free users per month, beyond which they must upgrade. If you want to move up to a paid tier, you can inquire about rates with the business.

Here is the official link for Plagibot. You can try it yourself and look for the results
4. GPTZero
Numerous online users have endorsed this AI plagiarism detector, and it largely seems to hold its own to provide information about ChatGPT be detected as plagiarism. To identify whether or not the material was authored by a human, the service analyses statistical data. Additionally, it employs an algorithm that also evaluates other qualities like as ambiguity and burstiness in addition to originality.

Here is the official link for GPTZero. You can try yourself and look for the results
5. Grammarly
If you think, Grammarly is only used for checking grammar. Well! You are wrong! It also lets you swiftly check for plagiarism, if ChatGPT be detected as plagiarism. This assists Grammarly in improving both written communication and copied text. The fact that Grammarly has hidden its best functions behind a subscription means that thorough statistics on plagiarism are restricted. Therefore, you are limited to checking to see if the tool has found plagiarism. But for $12 a month, you may upgrade to the Premium edition.

Here is the official link for Grammarly. You can try yourself and look for the results
6. QueText
One of the best free online plagiarism detectors is Quetext. Quetext’s cutting-edge technology, including DeepSearchTM version 2.0, ColorGradeTM, and Citation Assistant, makes it simple to find duplicate content. The plagiarism detection tool from Quetext examines your text to find instances of plagiarism, fix other writing problems, and create citations with ease. While testing this AI plagiarism detector to detect ChatGPT text, we found that it showed 26% similarity to the AI bot written content.
Here is the official link for QueText. You can try yourself and look for the results
7. Writer AI Content Detector
Writer AI is an entity that dabbles in AI writing in addition to detection, like several other online businesses. However, its AI plagiarism tool is skilled at locating plagiarised work.Like other content detectors, Writer AI operates in a similar manner. Enter the copied or original text into the box provided, then click Analyse. But keep in mind that the tool can only display 1,500 characters at once. Divide a lengthy text into manageable portions if you need to check it. Of you are feeling lazy, just put the URL of the wseb page. It will extract the text for you. To determine whether the content has been plagiarised, the technology utilises a percentage metre. While TopHillSport’s research team tried it out with a small sample of text inputs, it consistently made the distinction between text written by a person and text authored by an AI. You must get in touch with Writer AI if you want to detect AI-plagiarized content on a large scale.
Here is the official link for Writer AI Content Detector. You can try yourself and look for the results.
How To Avoid Plagiarism When Using ChatGPT?
You will never get into a university if you totally depends on ChatGPT material! In order to use ChatGPT and prevent plagiarism at the same time, many students are searching for a win-win solution. You’ll be astonished, but you can do that to avoid ChatGPT be detected as plagiarism:
1. Refer to ChatGPT content as your source. Don’t copy-paste the exact phrases; instead, research the solution and explain it in your assignment using your own words.
2. To avoid plagiarism, you can alternatively paraphrase the ChatGPT information or create a summary of the topic and utilise it in your work.
3. Use quotation marks and as many references as you can when using ChatGPT terminology directly.
4. Content from ChatGPT might not be accurate. Therefore, before utilising the answers from ChatGPT in your work, double-check them in other sources.
5. Check your assignment for plagiarism using a paid plagiarism detection programme before uploading it to the university portal.
Winding Up
If we had told you a few years ago that AI would steal your jobs, you probably would have scoffed at us. But as time goes on, that fantasy is gradually becoming a reality. Even though ChatGPT and other AI chatbots have primarily been used for lighthearted banter, many people, especially students, have utilised AI to compose and copy content from other trustworthy websites for their academic tasks. That’s why this question is swirling around in students like a wave, can ChatGPT be detected as plagiarism? Yes!!! Well, we are glad that we were able to help you with this.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Can Turnitin Be Detected As Plagiarism?
Yes, according to recent reports! Turnitin AI detection is possible. The ChatGPT detector at Turnitin has been under constant development. The developers claim that an AI writing indicator will be added to Turnitin’s Similarity Report to demonstrate the chance that the document was produced by AI.
Q2. Is Chat GPT Plagiarism-Free?
Although Chat GPT creates original content, it is up to the user to make sure that it is original. The output could be considered plagiarism if the user inputs plagiarised content or utilizes Chat GPT to paraphrase already published stuff.
Q3. Is It Safe To Use ChatGPT For Essays?
If the generated content is original and does not violate any copyrights, using Chat GPT for essays is safe. The user is in charge of making sure the content is original.