One of the most common and frequently used apps for business that lets you connect with people and share information is Slack. In other words, we can say it brings people together to work as one unified team. Many people are aware of the functioning of slack but many people often struggle with the basic question that is how to create a poll in Slack?
Along with extensive management and scheduling benefits, Slack provides a more professional experience. It has many features and it also gives you an option to create a poll in Slack.
If you are also wondering how to create a poll in Slack then you are at the right place. Before you start to create a poll in Slack, you need to install it in your Slack. This article will provide you with all the required steps that are essential for how to create a poll in Slack.
How To Install A Poll In Slack?
To install a poll in slack, sign in > Browser Slack > Apps option > Polls > Add to Slack > Add the app
Polls are pretty useful when it comes to the workspace. There is no built-in polling option available in Slack. You have to manually add and create a poll in Slack. You should also keep in mind that you cannot install integration on the mobile or web version.
You can create a poll in slack through a web browser. Once you have installed it then it will automatically with all your phone/tablets. If you also want to create a poll in slack then you have nothing to worry about. You can easily install a poll in slack in just a few easy steps:
Step 1: Go to Slack and sign in

Step 2: Click on Browser Slack

Step 3: In the pop-out menu, select the Apps option

Step 4: Now in the search box, simply type polls

Step 5: Click on Add under the options that suit you

Step 6: After that, a new window will open, review and then click Add to slack

Step 7: Give your consent and then click on Allow

Step 8: To confirm that you would like to add the app and click on continue

Step 9: Whatever you choose to add, you can see that in the dashboard

How To Create A Poll In Slack?
To create a poll in Slack open polling app > App’s dashboard > Create new > Create your question > Select the channel > Send
After you have installed the app then it is very easy to create a poll in Slack. If you want to create a poll in Slack then you can follow the given steps below:
Step 1: Under the Apps section, head over to the polling app by simply clicking on it

Step 2: Go to the link to your app’s dashboard (you might have to look for the link)

Step 3: Now click on Create new

Step 4: Populate your questions and the possible answers as well

Step 5: You have to select the channel where you would like to have your poll for votes

Step 6: Click on send

Step 7: All your team members can see and answer your poll. It will show up as a message on the channel

Step 8: You can check the poll results by clicking on the app again which is under the Apps section and you will be done

Poll Integrations
You can create your own customized polls that are available on Slack. Here is a list of a few options that you might like:
1: Polly: Polly is basically poll-specific. It has forms and surveys and this integration allows you to stay connected, respond fast, and access the results in a better way. Other than creating polls, you can also have regular standups and it comes with pre-installed apps.
2: Doodle Bot: It can create polls that are not Slack-specific. It means simply that people who do not use Slack can also take part in polls. It is also integrated with other software like Google Apps, Office 365, Outlook, ICS feed, and much more. You can easily create different meetings outside of Slack.
3: Simple Poll: It does not have any fancy features and it does not work outside of Slack. With simple polls, you can create fast and straightforward polls. You can simply add the answer option and get it started.
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Wrapping Up
If were also struggling with how to create a poll in Slack then you have nothing to stress about. We got you covered. Polls are important and can act as a stress breaker in your work life. They can also be used to get opinions on important topics. This article will provide you with all the information and required steps that you need to create a poll in Slack.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How Can You Install A Poll In Slack?
You can create a poll in slack through a web browser. Once you have installed it then it will automatically with all your phone/tablets. If you also want to create a poll in slack then you have nothing to worry about. You can easily install a poll in slack in just a few easy steps:
Step 1: Go to Slack and sign in
Step 2: Click on Browser Slack
Step 3: In the pop-out menu, select the Apps option
Step 4: Now in the search box, simply type polls
Step 5: Click on Add under the options that suit you
Step 6: After that, a new window will open, review and then click Add to slack
Step 7: Give your consent and then click on Allow
Step 8: To confirm that you would like to add the app and click on continue
Step 9: Whatever you choose to add, you can see that in the dashboard
3. What Are Polls In Slack?
Along with extensive management and scheduling benefits, Slack provides a more professional experience. It has many features and it also gives you an option to create a poll in Slack. Polls are important and can act as a stress breaker in your work life. They can also be used to get opinions on important topics. Before you start to create a poll in Slack, you need to install it in your Slack.