How To Pay Viasat Bill | Easiest Way To Pay The Bills!

Are you worried about paying your Viasat bill coz you don’t know How To Pay Viasat Bill? Well, let me tell you that you are not alone in this. There are many Viasat users who are not aware of how they can pay the Viasat bills. So, you need not worry as we’ve got you covered. This post on How To Pay Viasat Bill will help you out.

Well, Viasat is present everywhere in the US and due to this reason, this internet service has become the first choice of the users who stay in rural areas, suburbs, or small towns as they have limited internet options. So, in these places, Viasat internet plays an important role. Since, it is a satellite-based internet service it can reach everywhere.

So, if you are worried about How to pay Viasat bill, then you don’t have to worry anymore from now on. This post is there to help you out. Well, you can make the payments of the Viasat bill by just visiting the website of Viasat. Then, with just a few clicks here and there you can easily make the payments.

Now, there is a bit more detailed process that we have discussed below for making the Viasat payment. So, you need to scroll down a bit and read about it.

How To Pay Viasat Bill?

How To Pay Viasat Bill

We know that you are eager to know How To Pay Viasat Bill, then let’s not keep you waiting anymore and quickly get started.

There are a few ways by which you will be able to pay the Viasat bill. If you are using the computer then you can use the EasyPay tool. This is perhaps the quickest way by which you can make a one-time payment.

You can even look for another way by which you can make the payments that are by visiting either of the given links and paying the Viasat bills.

When you are on the website you need to enter your username and password to get on the website. Now, click on the Viasat account management and then scroll down to the bottom. Here, you have to click on the option that says make a one-time payment link. Now, you will get to see the login screen that will show up and will ask you for the username or email and password, and then tap on the login option. When you have signed in then the Make a One-time payment screen will show up.

Now, you have to type the amount that you want to pay and the payment method that you want to use. The payment option is a credit card or a bank account. Now, that you have entered all the information and that they are correct you will be able to click on the submit button. This process is the same as the other websites when you pay the bill or order something online.

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What Are The Other Forms Of Payment Viasat Accepts?

How To Pay Viasat Bill

There are different other forms of payment as well that Viasat accepts. They are:

  1. Bank account – EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer or Bank Transfer)
  2. Debit Cards
  3. PayPal
  4. Gift Cards, re-loadable or prepaid cards.

However, if you are a new customer, you will not be able to add these cards to your account as recurring payments during the sale. But if you have installed the service and are a Viasat customer then you will be able to use the pre-paid cards and gift cards as the payment method on the file. The prepaid cards and the gift cards can be used for any upfront fees during the sale period.

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Convenient Option To Make Viasat Payments

How To Pay Viasat Bill

If you call an agent to make the payment, then you have to pay a $5 agent assist fee. If you don’t want this fee then you can use either of the following self-serve options to make the payments

  1. Automated system: You can use the automated system where you will be able to call Viasat at (855)-810-1308 and then choose to bill and then make the payment.
  2. My Viasat: Just log in to your customer portal My Viasat so that you can make a one-time payment or update your payment method.
  3. Text message: You will be able to make the payment with the help of text messaging. You can easily sign up by texting JOIN to 20715.
  4. My Viasat mobile app: With the help of my Viasat mobile app you will be able to make the payments.
  5. EasyPay: Well, is yet another easy as well as a secure option by which you will be able to make the payments.

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How To Make A Payment From The Viasat Account Overview Page?

How To Make A Payment From The Viasat Account Overview Page?

This is for the business customers who are using Viasat internet.

  1. Login to your account and then you will be taken to the account overview page.
  2. Tap on the option that says make a payment button which is situated on the left-hand side corner of the screen.
  3. You will be able to adjust the payment method.
  4. You can even use the default payment method which is on file which is your auto-pay method.
  5. Moreover, you will also be able to add a new payment method. You can add either your credit card or bank account.
  6. Now you will see a window that will open up where your current balance will be pre-populated.
  7. Just hit the submit button when you are ready to make the payments.
  8. And voila! You have successfully made the payments.

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Wrapping up:

Now, after reading this post you do know How To Pay Viasat Bill. The steps are really easy to follow. Moreover, you will also be able to add new payment methods as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What Credit Cards Does Viasat Accepts?

The credit cards that Viasat accepts are:

  1. JCB
  2. Mastercard
  3. Diners Club
  4. American Express
  5. Discover
  6. Visa

Q. Can You Update Your Payment Information Or Can You Make A Payment Over The Phone?

Yes, if you want then you will be able to use the automated phone system (IVR) to update your payment method on the file.

You can call them at 1-855-854-2717. Then you have to select the billing option and then choose to update the payment method. Next, you have to follow the pop-ups that will guide you through the steps without having to speak to the agent.

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